How often does a roof need to be replaced?
Shingles have been rated for 20, 25, 30 and 40 years in the past. Recently there have been great advances in roofing technology. GAF now offers a lifetime roofing system with warranties to back up this claim.
Are all shingles the same?
There are lots of great premium shingles on the market, but not all their warranties are the same. While some manufacturers offer a lifetime warranty on their shingles, GAF offers a workmanship warranty that covers misapplication. Be careful to read the fine print when purchasing premium shingles. GAF’s Golden Pledge and Silver Pledge workmanship warranties cover misapplication.
If my roof has ugly stains, do I need to replace it?
Homeowners are increasingly urged by their home insurance companies to replace their roof due to unsightly black stains on their shingles. You must mitigate these stains by routinely soft washing, but having an algae resistant shingle is a better option. GAF’s Advanced Algae Protection shingles, with time-released algae-fighting technology will prevent black stains from forming.
Replace a leaking roof?
In situations where roof damage is very severe, you must replace the roof. Some roofs are too old to be worked on and if shingles are discontinued, they can no longer be matched. Old roofs cannot be repaired and must be temporarily tarped to protect the home until the roof can be replaced. GAF’s Timberline UHDZ shingles have a no maximum Wind Proven limited wind warranty for 15 years and helps to prevent roof damage from happening.

Call Bayside Exteriors now and speak to us about replacing your roof with a roofing system that never needs to be replaced.